Embark on a Trailblazing Journey: Unveiling ProMD Health Provider, Meg Landymore's Story in "Blood Sweat Tears"
Discover the empowering story shared by one of ProMD Health’s providers, Meg Landymore, and 25 other women hikers and runners in “Blood Sweat Tears,” a captivating collection of stories about the female experience on the trail.
Meg Landymore is a PA-C and one of the providers at the ProMD Health’s office in Columbia, MD. Meg is a Physician Assistant, board-certified by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants. She is a Baltimore-area transplant, originally from Connecticut, who moved after completing her Master’s as a Physician Assistant from Seton Hall University. Meg has over 9 years of experience in the fields of Neurosurgery, Emergency Medicine, Occupational Medicine and Army medicine as a member of the Army National Guard. She brings her wealth of experience to clinical aesthetics where she focuses on helping people look and feel their best. Meg underwent training under ProMD Health’s Founder and Medical Directory, Dr. Gavrila and she is certified in Botox, dermal fillers, and hormone optimization therapy.
Not as well known to most is that despite battling Pelvic Congestion Syndrome/May-Thurner Syndrome, Meg completed a record-setting Appalachian high route FKT of 345 miles in the summer of 2023. Get ready for an inspiring journey as Meg recounts her story, “Pace of Resilience,” detailing her battle with Pelvic Congestion Syndrome/May-Thurner Syndrome and her record-setting hike last summer.
The author of the book featuring Meg’s story said, “When I had the idea for this short story collection, I had no doubt that it needed to happen. I hoped that I might receive enough submissions to fill a book with 15-18 stories, that there might be a small, but mighty, group of women out there willing to share their body on trail stories. I was overwhelmed by nearly 200 story submissions. They ranged from funny to sweet to sad to beautiful to powerful to painfully relatable. I loved every single one of them. Then I chose the 25 that most exemplified the power of the female-bodied trail experience and created this book. I hope that you will read them and love them and perhaps relate to them or even learn from them.”
Here’s a little sneak preview, from another woman covered in this collection alongside Meg who shares her story of coping with a reproductive system gone haywire while training for her first 50K.
“As my weekly mileage increased and my long runs got progressively longer, my period kept pace. I learned to plan for what went into my body on a run; I also learned to account for what would come out. On shorter runs, I could get by with water, a handful of gummy bears, and a single super tampon. Over ten miles, and I added a second water bottle with electrolyte drink mix, supplemented my handful of gummy bears with whatever other snack I was experimenting with—stroopwafels, chewable electrolytes, even more gummy bears—and backed up my tampon with a pad, no matter what week of the month it was. My menstrual arsenal grew to battle the inevitable leakage. I endeavored to make it through my run, no matter how long, without having to acknowledge that what was happening in my body could be an obstacle in the pursuit of my goal. The training program had brought with it a mixed bag of emotions, the pressure to be ready for the race often overtaking the joy I had only recently found for the first time in running. Each time I ran a new longest distance for the first time, I found myself torn between some sense of pride and one of skepticism at my own abilities. Had I really run fourteen miles? And sixteen? And twenty? Was that me? This body? Surely not.”
Embark on a captivating journey through more inspiring tales like Meg’s and so many others in “Blood Sweat Tears.” Immerse yourself in a realm where resilience and vulnerability intertwine in the vast outdoors. Mark your calendars for May 1st to delve into empowering stories from female hikers and runners like ProMD Health’s provider Meg Landymore in Christine Reed’s highly anticipated collection.
Pre-order your copy now at: https://www.ruggedoutdoorswoman.com. Launching on May 1st!