Tattoo regret is a common part of life that affects people who have tattoos that they no longer want. You may have a tattoo that refers to a relationship that no longer exists, or a picture of something that you once thought was cool and now think is embarrassing. Your tattoo may be inhibiting your ability to get the job of your choice. There are as many reasons for tattoo regret as there are people who want them removed. It usually depends on social, physical and cultural life changes that influence the decision. The good news is you have a good chance of achieving your aim with laser tattoo removal.
Laser tattoo removal is a procedure in which our trained technician uses various lasers that send energy into the tattoo. Various lasers are used because the different colors of ink absorb different wavelengths of light. The laser causes the ink to fragment into nano-particles, which are gradually absorbed by the body and eliminated. The number of sessions that are required to remove a tattoo depends on the colors in the tattoo, its size and its age.
During a consultation with our specialist, you can learn how your tattoo can be treated. You can discuss the reasons you want the tattoo removed and gain reasonable expectations. The specialist will give you instructions for before and after treatment. If the tattoo is large and dark, it will probably take several treatments.
The newest technology has made tattoo removal very safe and successful. It is considered better than other methods, such as dermabrasion or excision, because it targets the pigment in the tattoo, causing it to break up. When you meet our specialist, you can ask about your concerns, such as:
• How many treatments your tattoo will need
• How long one treatment takes
• The interval between treatments
• The discomfort level
• The instructions for before and after treatment
The size, color and location of the tattoo will determine how easily it can be removed. For example, professionally applied tattoos are easier to remove than homemade tattoos. New tattoos with pastel colors may be more difficult to remove than older ones. Dark blue and black ink is the most challenging to remove. Since the nano-particles of pigment need to be absorbed and removed by the natural process of the body, tattoos that are closer to the heart, where the circulation is the strongest, have faster fading rates.
With the latest laser technology, tattoos are no longer an irreversible design on the skin. We have safe and effective lasers to remove most tattoos. With locations in Baltimore and Arlington, ProMD Health is here to help you every step of the way in your tattoo removal journey. We will be happy to evaluate your ink and determine if laser tattoo removal is right for you. If it is, then you can finally say goodbye to your tattoo regret once and for all. Contact us today to schedule your appointment to learn more.