Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, is a rather new skin revitalizing treatment. Originally developed as a kickstart mechanism for the healing of tendons and ligaments damaged in an injury, PRP is now recognized as an alternative method for rejuvenating the facial skin. The treatment is a natural means of stimulating the growth of healthy skin tissue.
The results of PRP treatment can be quite dramatic. Smoother skin and less noticeable discolorations will make it look as though the individual had actually undergone something for invasive like a facelift.
About Blood Platelets
Platelets in the blood help to seal a cut or scrape. Platelets form a mesh when exposed to oxygen, and this is what stops bleeding. However, the platelets also act as a sort of initial nutrient source during the healing process. Special growth factors including proteins are part of what makes up the platelets’ structure. These jump-start the process of new tissue creation, and this is why small injuries begin to heal so quickly.
When skillfully injected, plasma containing a concentrated amount of platelets will signal an injury. The body responds by creating new skin tissue at an accelerated rate. The result is smoother skin that is more even in tone and with fewer wrinkles.
Performing the Procedure
We consult with our client and outline the entire procedure. We also note where facial skin problems occur and how thick the skin is in the regions that need treatment. During this consultation, we can plan a customized treatment for you.
On the day of the treatment, we draw a small amount of blood from the client. The blood is spun in a centrifuge until the red cells have been separated from the plasma and platelets. The PRP is then mixed with a gel and put into injected into the treatment area.
After Treatment
Recovery time is very short. In fact, the client can usually resume normal activities at once. Results aren’t immediate, but in the months following treatment, clients notice a general improvement in skin tone and skin texture. Dynamic wrinkles are less noticeable, and any dullness or brittleness is beginning to lighten up. Collagen production tends to increase as well, and this results in more supple, taut skin.
Revitalize Your Skin Without Surgery
Due to the positive results reported by our clients and other individuals, PRP is rapidly becoming a preferred skin rejuvenating treatment. You can learn more about this treatment during a consultation at ProMD Health, with offices in Baltimore, Arlington, and Annapolis. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!