Most individuals do not like the scars that appear on their body. This is especially the case if the scars are located in areas that are more visible. In addition to simply feeling self-conscious and unattractive, it can be very tiring to have people ask you again and again why you have the scar. This can simply be annoying, or it can bring up bad memories, especially if you received the scar in an accident or a serious situation.
In the past, there was very little that could be done to treat scars. Nowadays, cosmetic professionals are using a variety of different options to help individuals to either completely get rid of scars or make them a lot less noticeable. One option that is available for scar revision is the LightPod Neo.
The LightPod Neo is an amazing tool that has been able to help many individuals reduce the visibility of their scars or completely eliminate them. This device uses a laser light. The light is attracted to hemoglobin, melanin and water that is in the skin tissue. Our technicians can use the laser light to pass through the epidermis and target certain structures in the skin. This means that the scar can be treated without damaging the skin that is around it. This is a gentle, safe and efficient way to treat scars and other skin issues.
Before you come in for your LightPod Neo treatment, you will first need to schedule a consultation. During the consultation, our experienced professional will explain exactly how this laser procedure works. They will thoroughly examine the area that you would like to have treated. They will also provide you with information on the details that are associated with using the product. Instructions will be given on how to prepare for the procedure and what will be needed to take care of yourself afterward.
You should not have to worry about experiencing a lot of discomfort during the procedure. The product provides a very gentle treatment. Some individuals will feel a warming sensation as the laser is directed under their skin. However, most people do not experience any intense discomfort.
The duration of the session will depend on the area that you are having treated. This is a completely non-invasive procedure, which means that it is a quick, outpatient treatment. You will not need to spend any time recovering from the procedure. Instead, you can go back to your normal daily activities.
The LightPod Neo has been able to help hundreds of individuals to reduce their scars or completely eliminate them. The best way for you to find out if the LightPod Neo is right for you is to schedule an appointment at ProMD Health, with locations in Arlington and Baltimore. Our team of cosmetic professionals is committed to helping patients achieve their aesthetic goals. Contact us today to book your consultation.