If you are a Timonium resident with unwanted pockets of fat under your chin, we understand how frustrating this must be for you. One of the biggest challenges of having a double chin is that there is no stylish way to hide it. If you wear a turtleneck or a scarf, you inevitably just attract more attention to the very thing you are trying to hide. What makes a double chin so frustrating is that there is no exercise you can do to target the fat under your chin. You may be on a very strict diet, you might exercise profusely, and still, that fat underneath your chin does not move. Thankfully, you can now say goodbye to your double chin with Kybella® in Timonium.
Before the introduction of Kybella®, the only viable way to get rid of a double chin was liposuction. Liposuction is a surgical procedure that has proven effective in getting rid of unwanted body fat. Although liposuction has been used for decades, there are still many risks. Since it is a surgical procedure, there is the chance of having a scar under your chin, your results may be uneven, or worse yet, you may get an infection that mars your appearance. These risks disappear with Kybella®.
Kybella® is likely the right option for you if you are interested in getting rid of your double chin, but you’re not interested in surgery. Kybella® is an injectable that has been shown to help many people in Baltimore say goodbye to their double chin for good. It has as its primary ingredient deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid is something that your body naturally produces to attack certain types of fat. When Kybella® is strategically injected into your double chin, it goes to work immediately destroying the selected fat cells.
A good portion of Timonium residents who have used Kybella® are amazed by how simple and convenient the treatment is. They just love it. There’s very little that one needs to do as far as prep is concerned for the procedure. And there is virtually no downtime involved.
We warmly invite you to come in for a consultation at ProMD Health. Let us discuss the issues you’re having with your double chin, as well as possible solutions. Do not let your double chin rob you of an attractive profile. Contact us today to book an appointment at our office in Timonium, Arlington or Annapolis.