There are a lot of things that you can do to enhance your body. You can go to the gym and work out faithfully every day. You can make healthy choices when it comes to eating. You can wear clothing that flatters your figure. However, you can’t fix or change everything on your own. If you don’t like the way your buttocks look and you think they need a boost, you are going to need professional help. We can help you to have a transformation when you have a butt lift.
Is a Butt Lift the Right Choice for You?
Only you can decide if you should get a butt lift. If you have always felt like your buttocks left something to be desired because they aren’t full enough, consider this procedure. If you want to be curvier or think your bottom could have an enhanced shape, a butt lift can give you positive results. Think about this option if you have worked out so hard that your butt did a disappearing act. If you look at your behind in the mirror and feel like you look flat as a board, you may be a good candidate for a butt lift. This simple procedure can give you what you don’t have.
What Happens During a Butt Lift?
At ProMD Health, we are proud to offer a non-surgical butt lift via Sculptra®. During the procedure, the Sculptra® solution is skillfully injected into the areas where more volume is needed. The results are natural-looking and you won’t have the downtime that comes with implants or fat transfer procedures. In fact, there is no downtime involved. If you are looking for a simpler fix to give yourself buttocks that are unforgettable, think about a Sculptra® butt lift.
Talk to Our Team About a Butt Lift
To find out if you are a good candidate for a butt lift, you need to set up an initial consultation at ProMD Health. During this appointment at our office in Baltimore or Arlington, your body will be evaluated. We can listen to what you want to see in your backside and then plan out a customized procedure for you. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and get started!