As you reach middle age and beyond, you may experience a lot of unwelcome changes like weight gain and a loss of sexual desire that can be attributed to low testosterone levels. This condition is often referred to as Low T, and there are effective remedies available. Many men focus on the loss of libido, but Low T can also cause more significant conditions such as depression and severe weight gain. The team at ProMD Health is here to answer all of your questions and help you feel like YOU again!
Worried That You May Be Experiencing Low T?
If you recognize the symptoms of low testosterone and would like to begin treatment, the first step is to book an appointment and undergo some testing. In addition to age, there are certain medical conditions can also cause Low T, such as diabetes, cancer, and obesity. Because this condition can cause long-term problems if not addressed and treated effectively, it is important to monitor your testosterone level on a regular basis. Depression is one of the most common side effects, and while many men may shrug this off to “middle-age blues”, it can worsen if not addressed. If you are in middle-age and are not feeling quite 100%, Low T testing is essential.
How is Low T Treated?
The testosterone hormone is essential for the health and well-being of men, and as its level in your body decreases, you may begin to feel sluggish and face the world with less vitality. By taking testosterone replacement therapy, you can begin to feel like your best self again. Consult the experts at ProMD Health in Baltimore, Annapolis, and Arlington and learn how to effectively overcome Low T. Contact us today to book an appointment and get started!