The world of dermal fillers has come a long way! Today, they can be used to target a wide variety of different skin issues that are caused by aging. Facial fillers, such as Juvederm® and Restylane®, use hyaluronic acid to help your skin retain moisture. There are also other options available. Overall, dermal fillers have the power to erase fine lines and wrinkles as well as restore your facial volume.
One of the most common signs of aging that many people don’t consider is the way your face loses volume as you age. The reason for this is your skin slows down the production of important substances as you get older, which means that you lose that plump, tight look you had back when you were in your younger years. Sunken cheeks can actually make you look older than you are, as your face takes on that hollow appearance.
Instead of going under the knife or having cheek implants, dermal fillers are a great way to pump up the volume of your cheeks so that your face takes on a better, younger shape. Juvederm® and Restylane® can both work great for giving your cheeks a fuller appearance.
Another sign of aging that is due to the loss of volume is thin lips. Just like the other areas of your face that lose certain substances and become aged, your lips also go through this process. Juvederm Volbella® is specifically designed for the lips. This filler will be able to re-plump your lips in a natural way while also reducing the lines and wrinkles on and around your lips. Facial fillers can also be used to target the wrinkles and lines around your mouth, including those marionette lines.
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This just scratches the surface when it comes to areas of the face that dermal fillers can treat. If you want help deciding the best facial filler for you and your needs, be sure to speak with one of our professionals at ProMD Health in Baltimore, Arlington, and Annapolis. Contact us today to book an appointment and get started!