A high, rounded, and full behind always gets attention, but it’s difficult to achieve that enviable shape just in the gym. Previously, the only way to achieve this look was through surgery and lengthy downtime, but times have changed. Now you can develop an amazing rear through a non-surgical butt lift. Sculptraยฎ injections are the hot trend for creating volume, lift, and sensual contours in a safe manner that gradually yields natural-looking results without anesthesia, liposuction surgery and fat transfer. If you dream of a curvier figure with a more defined bottom, Sculptraยฎ may be the cosmetic solution for you.
Liquid Butt Lift
Sculptraยฎ is considered an ideal filler for plumping up the volume and sculpting a sexier behind. For years, the injections have been safely placed in the face to restore lost volume and fill up the facial contours for natural-looking effects. The injections work on the same aesthetic principle.
The dermal filler is comprised of a biocompatible synthetic material called poly-L-lactic acid. When administered into the skin, it triggers your body’s collagen factor to begin making more of it. Collagen is what gives our skin its strong foundation and suppleness and can also replace fatty tissue. Some aesthetic experts called Sculptraยฎ a liquid butt lift for its incredible plumping ability.
Speedy Procedure
A non-surgical butt lift with Sculptraยฎ injections is easy and speedy. First, your skilled aesthetic specialist will apply a topical anesthetic to the areas being treated. Then, injections will take about 20 minutes to complete depending on how much volume you’re looking for. After, you can go back to your normal day of activity.
One treatment session may be all you need, but your aesthetic specialist will help you determine the best plan for the shape and lift you’re hoping to achieve. You may need a few sessions spaced at six weeks apart.
Sculptraยฎ is an effective filler for the body, but patience is needed. It works gradually in building up the volume, and optimal results will be visible several months after your final treatment. The plumped-up effects are long-lasting at up to two years.
A non-surgical butt lift with Sculptraยฎ is a great option for many women. You don’t have to worry about incisions and scars, long recovery and that whole lipo/fat transfer procedure. It’s a few injections with a skilled aesthetic expert, and you’re done. All you have to do is wait for the volumizing to take place.
Get In Touch with Us for More Information
If you’re interested in Sculptraยฎ for a more defined bottom, feel free to make an appointment with ProMD Health. At our convenient locations in Annapolis, Baltimore, and Arlington, our caring and dedicated team of professionals will be pleased to explain this option to you in full and answer any questions you may have. Contact us today to set up your consultation – we look forward to speaking with you!