Many of our clients ask about the popular PRP rejuvenating treatment. This is actually platelet-rich plasma injections, and it doesn’t involve lifting of the facial skin through surgical means.
Instead, it is a procedure that encourages healthy tissue growth using the client’s own blood platelets. This is an effective rejuvenating procedure that allows the body to produce healthy skin and support tissue.
Not A Traditional Plumping Treatment
Other filler treatments use acids that draw in moisture and create a fuller, more firm skin surface. The idea is to get rid of wrinkles and skin folds. What makes PRP different is that it triggers the building up of firmer, suppler skin.
In addition, the growth factors of blood platelets encourage stronger, firmer support tissue beneath the skin. Collagen production increases, and this has long-term benefits.
A small amount of blood is drawn from the patient to complete the process.
The plasma, rich with platelets, bonds to the tissues just beneath the skin. The result will be more volume, smoother skin, and increased collagen production.
Who is an Ideal Candidate?
We consult with the client, look closely at the facial features, and suggest various cosmetic fixes. Most of our clients are concerned about the appearance of smile lines, crow’s feet, and non-set wrinkles around the eyes. The PRP injection treatment is the ideal solution for problems in these areas, especially if the wrinkles are not already set.
Some Important Information
We may review recent medical history. Some individuals may not be ideal candidates because of certain medications being taken. The same is true if specific allergy medications are being taken.
Because the patient’s own blood is used to create the injection fluid, there is zero risk of contamination. This is what makes the PRP treatment attractive to those who have concerns about side effects.
Although PRP treatments are not a permanent solution to the problem of aging skin, most clients report positive results for many months.
Find Out If PRP is Right for You
If you suffer from thinning skin that is full of smile lines and thin wrinkles, especially if these wrinkles are on the face, you may benefit greatly from platelet-rich plasma injections. Contact ProMD Health today to get all the facts about how PRP can rejuvenate your skin and make you look years younger.
If you are in the Baltimore, MD or Arlington, VA area, contact us today.