Forever Young BBL™ therapy is an advanced version of intense pulsed light (IPL) technology. Research at Stanford University has shown that people who have had two or more Forever Young BBL™ treatments each year have actually reversed the signs of aging skin, and the skin cells behave more like young cells. This means that they produce more elastin and collagen than aged cells.
For years, IPL has been used for cosmetic and medical procedures to improve the appearance of skin for aesthetic and therapeutic purposes. It is used for hair removal and rejuvenation of skin that has sun damage, thread veins and hyper-pigmentation.
Forever Young BBL™ is an advanced IPL technique used to treat or slow down damaged facial skin, as well as skin problems on other parts of the body, including the chest, arms, neck and hands. Because of the broadband light technology, it is the most effective form of IPL skin therapy.
The procedure is performed by trained technicians. Unlike laser technology that uses only one color wave, Forever Young BBL™ uses various wavelengths that treat a variety of issues. The light modifies the molecular structure of damaged cells and stimulates the body’s natural healing process.
Sun-damaged skin and other brown spots are pushed to the surface and naturally flake off over time. It also treats diffused redness and broken capillaries.
After the treatment, the skin has a more even color and texture, looks brighter and feels softer. When collagen is stimulated, it works to thicken the skin, creating a more youthful and healthy appearance.
Unhealthy ultraviolet rays from the sun cause damage to the deep layers of skin, not only on the surface. It depletes collagen levels, but also alters the DNA of the skin cells. This results in changes of skin texture, uneven pigmentation loss of elasticity and, in some cases, skin cancer.
The Stanford University study showed that Forever Young BBL™ treatments might restore the gene pattern of aged skin to resemble young, healthy skin. The collagen deposits become uniform, and the elasticity is improved. Along with sun-damaged skin, other skin conditions that Forever Young BBL™ can treat are:
• Rosacea
• Acne
• Freckles
• Mild acne scars
• Uneven pigmentation
• Dull skin
• Age spots
• Liver spots
After a consultation with our expert at ProMD Health, you can plan for Forever Young BBL™ therapy. Recovery time is minimal, but we recommend that you have therapy, at least, seven days before a big event. The number of treatments will depend on your particular condition.
With locations in Annapolis, Arlington, or Baltimore, ProMD Health proudly offers Forever Young BBL™ treatments as an effective way for patients to say goodbye to aging skin. We can evaluate your situation and determine if this incredible therapy treatment is right for you. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.