Your lips play a big role in the overall appearance of your face. If you don’t like the way your lips make you look, then our Juvederm Volbella treatments at ProMD Health in Baltimore, MD can help you get the plump, full lips you want.
How Long Does Volbella Last After an Injection?
Are you not happy with the way your lips look? If you’re looking to enhance your lips, even out asymmetrical lips, or just want to fill in thin lips so that they look plumper and younger, there are plenty of options out there. One, of course, is surgery. But many people aren’t ready to take the plunge with a surgical procedure, or they simply don’t want to deal with an uncomfortable and lengthy recovery period.
If you’re looking for a non-invasive but still long-lasting treatment option for your lip concerns, then you’ll want to look into Juvederm Volbella. This injectable provides a safe treatment that will help you get the full, plump lips you’ve been missing. When you receive this injectable, you can expect to retain your results for up to 12 months.
What Is Volbella?
This is a hyaluronic acid-based filler that is designed to add volume to areas where fullness may be lacking. It’s part of Juvederm’s full lineup. All products in this collection use hyaluronic acid as their main ingredient.
These fillers provide safe, effective, and long-lasting solutions to common aging concerns like wrinkling and sagging. This particular Juvederm formula is specifically designed for the lips, offering them more volume and helping them appear younger and fuller.
What Does Hyaluronic Acid Do?
Hyaluronic acid is a sugar that you can find present in various parts of your body, including your skin. You can also find it in your eyes as well as your muscles. This sugar is important because it helps provide your body with lubrication. In your skin, hyaluronic acid helps to provide fullness.
As you get older, your body produces less of this important sugar. This means that, naturally, signs of aging like sagging and loss of volume become more apparent. When it’s injected into your skin, the hyaluronic acid in this product adds more fullness, helping your lips appear fuller and more defined. It also stimulates your body’s production of collagen, which is an important protein that helps your skin maintain its structure and elasticity.
What Else Can Juvederm Treat?
This is an extremely effective way to get the full, youthful, and defined lips that you wish you had. If your lips are what concern you about your appearance, you’ll be happy with this extremely effective treatment.
However, depending on what other concerns you have, you might receive one or more additional types of this product. There are several areas of your face that you can target with Juvederm products.
Smile Lines
It’s very common to get wrinkles and notice volume loss more prominently in areas that move around a lot. That means that one of the places where you’re likely to see wrinkles first is the area around your nose and mouth.
The vertical lines that form in between your nose and your mouth are called smile lines. You may have also heard them be called laugh lines or nasolabial folds. Regardless of their name, their presence on your face can age your appearance significantly. If you’d like to add more fullness to this area and get rid of wrinkles, then Juvederm Vollure can help.
Marionette Lines
Another very common place where you’re likely to see wrinkling is the area below your lips. As you get older, you lose volume all over your face. Your skin also becomes less elastic. This can result in lines forming from the outer corners of your mouth down towards your chin.
These particular wrinkles are often called marionette lines because they look similar to a marionette’s mouth. They can drastically age your appearance. Juvederm Vollure can help add the volume the area needs to stay smooth and wrinkle-free.
While volume loss occurs on all parts of your face, some areas tend to show this change more prominently than others. One place where you might notice a drastic change is in your cheeks. While they may have appeared full and defined in your youth, you’ve probably noticed them looking thinner and thinner as you’ve gotten older.
This may not be an appearance that you appreciate. If you’d like to get defined, youthful-looking cheeks then you can use Juvederm Voluma to help replace any lost volume, making cheeks look fuller and younger.
As your skin loses volume and elasticity, gravity tends to take more of a firmer hold, pulling the skin downward. That’s the reason why you might be seeing jowls form on your face. Unfortunately, jowls are a very common side effect of aging.
The good news is that Juvederm can help. Juvederm Voluma will help add more volume to your cheeks as well as your mouth and chin area. Doing this will help lift any skin that might be sagging, reducing the appearance of sagging and helping skin stay taut and supple.
The Benefits of Volbella
If you don’t like the way that your lips look, then this filler can provide you with a highly effective way of enhancing your lips. This filler will make your lips look more defined and fuller. It can also help you even out asymmetrical lips that could be making you self-conscious about your appearance.
But those are just a few of the benefits of getting this dermal filler. When you visit a clinic staffed with highly-trained practitioners, like ours, you can expect to get a range of additional benefits as well. Here are a few extra pros that you’ll receive.
Non-Invasive Treatment
Surgical procedures can offer effective, permanent results for anyone looking to change something about their appearance. However, there are certain risks that come with this type of treatment. The procedure itself can also take a long time, and you’ll need to deal with a possibly extensive healing process after.
If you’re not interested in dealing with any of these things, then this injectable can offer a fantastic and still long-lasting alternative. Treatment is non-invasive, and recovery is fast and easy. You’ll be able to get back to your regular life as soon as your treatment is finished.
Safe Treatment
When it comes to any type of treatment, most candidates are primarily concerned with safety. That makes sense! You’re injecting the product into your skin, after all. There are plenty of products available on the market, but not all of them will be safe for everyone.
This particular filler and the rest of the products in the Juvederm lineup are safe for almost everyone. As long as you are not pregnant or breastfeeding or are currently dealing with a skin infection, then you could be a good candidate to receive this carefully formulated and FDA-approved treatment.
Fast Results
When you receive any cosmetic treatment, you probably want to see the results you’re looking for quickly. Some treatments can take a long time to show results. You may need to wait for weeks before you see the changes you’re looking for.
It’s a different story with this treatment. When you receive your Volbella injections, you’ll notice a difference in the way your lips look right away. The product takes up space under your skin, making your lips appear fuller. Over the next week or so, your results will continue to appear more and more obvious.
Subtle Results
Have you been avoiding getting a cosmetic treatment because you’re worried your results won’t appear natural? You may have heard horror stories about people who were dissatisfied with their treatment as it made their faces look plastic or fake.
You don’t need to worry when you get any Juvederm product. As long as you visit a qualified practitioner, you can expect subtle and natural-looking results. You won’t need to worry about answering awkward questions from friends and family members. Instead, you’ll get to enjoy compliments about how healthy and young your skin looks.
Book A Consultation Today
If you’re ready to get your Volbella injections and enjoy the youthful, plump, and well-defined lips that you’ve been looking for, we’re ready to sit down with you to discuss all the benefits of this treatment. Get in touch with us today at ProMD Health in Baltimore, MD to get your consultation.