Many people can’t seem to obtain the full, sculpted butt of their dreams, despite engaging in a proper diet and regular exercise routine. If this describes your situation, then consider the Sculptra butt lift. This non-surgical procedure serves as a great alternative to more invasive procedures, and it has the potential to give you the round, full backside that you’ve always wanted.
How the Sculptra® Butt Lift Works
Sculptra butt lift is made of a dermal filler that has been specially diluted to smooth dimples on the buttocks and restore volume. Since it’s made with poly-L-lactic acid, it’s a great choice for enhancing your backside. The molecular composition of Sculptra® makes it biodegradable, which is why it’s frequently used for soft tissue implants.
If you’re looking for a non-invasive way to achieve a plump, lifted butt, then the Sculptra® butt lift should be considered. This treatment has changed the way butt lifts are performed because it eliminates the need for fat grafting and liposuction.
Since the Sculptra® butt lift involves tiny injections, it’s nowhere near as invasive as alternative options. With no need for surgery, this procedure requires no downtime, and it’s a popular choice for patients who don’t have enough fat for the Brazilian butt lift.
When the procedure is finished, you’ll enjoy a significant lift for your backside, and it will look contoured, younger and thicker. As a result of your enhanced butt, you’ll enjoy greater confidence, and you might even feel the need to show it off.
What Are the Benefits?
When compared alternative treatment options, the Sculptra® butt lift offers several benefits. One of the major benefits is the satisfying results you can receive without a single incision, which means no lengthy recovery period.
The results that you can get from this procedure are subtle, natural and beautiful. With such a small amount of time needed for the procedure, you don’t have to worry about it interrupting your daily life. In most cases, we can complete the procedure within 30 minutes. Most patients receive best results after two to five treatment sessions.
Sculptra® Vs Brazilian Butt Lift
Both procedures are designed to enhance the appearance of your backside, but they accomplish this goal using different techniques. The biggest difference between the two procedures is invasiveness, which is significantly less with Sculptra®.
Since the Brazilian butt lift is a surgical procedure, which means it requires patients to set aside time to recover. Sculptra® involves no incisions. Instead, the entire procedure is performed with injections of the specially designed solution.
In addition, not everyone makes a good candidate for the Brazilian butt lift. Since it is a surgical procedure, people who don’t qualify for surgery will not be able to choose it. In addition, it requires a fat transfer from a donor site on the patient’s body, which not everyone has. Since the Sculptra® butt lift is much more simple and minimally invasive, many more people qualify for the procedure. Sculptra® works over time to gradually improve the appearance of your butt.
If you’re looking for subtle, natural results, minimal recovery and no surgery, the Sculptra® butt lift is likely a good choice for you. ProMD Health proudly offers this simple and effective procedure among our many cosmetic services. Schedule a consultation with either of our locations in Baltimore or Arlington to learn more about the Sculptra® butt lift.