As we age, our facial skin becomes less smooth. Although large wrinkles and folds may not appear, fine lines, wrinkles and crow’s feet certainly do. These tiny wrinkles usually appear around the eyes, on the forehead and near the corners of the mouth. BOTOX® is an effective means for getting rid of these annoying lines and wrinkles. It’s a good choice for those who aren’t yet ready for something more invasive, such as a facelift.
BOTOX® doesn’t treat the wrinkles directly, but instead affects the nerve action that sends signals to the upper-level facial muscles. This keeps dynamic wrinkles from showing when we smile or make other facial expressions. This is a simple treatment that takes just minutes to perform, and there isn’t any downtime afterward. Our clients notice improvement in skin texture within just days.
Consult with Our Team
Don’t decide that BOTOX® is the miracle cure for your facial wrinkling. Not all of the wrinkles on your face are dynamic in nature, meaning that they are still there no matter how much you contract or relax your facial muscles. During your consultation with us, we’ll ask you to perform some facial expressions. This helps us determine the suitable injection sites and allows us to give you a realistic outcome prediction.
How BOTOX® Works
BOTOX® contains a purified protein solution. This solution blocks signals from the brain to the nerve endings near the surface of your face. These nerves control muscle contraction, but only the contraction of the muscles that are just beneath the subcutaneous tissues. When the solution is skillfully injected into certain facial muscles, it relaxes these muscles. The skin above the muscles remains smooth as a result.
It is important to note that contrary to popular belief, the client can still make normal facial expressions after using BOTOX®. The only difference is that the treatment area does not show dynamic wrinkling.
Repeat Treatments
BOTOX®, when properly administered, can affect your nerve endings for quite some time. After that, you’ll need to repeat the treatment. Over time, the muscles stay relaxed because they are being trained to do so, meaning that we don’t have to inject as much of the fluid during subsequent treatments.
BOTOX® won’t permanently treat facial wrinkles, but it will improve your appearance without the need for surgery or lengthy downtime. This makes it extremely popular with mature adults who simply want to reduce the visible signs of aging on their face.
Get Smoother Skin with BOTOX®
Make an appointment at ProMD Health to learn more information about BOTOX®. We have offices in Baltimore, Annapolis and Arlington. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!