Women often ask me why their skin has changed so much since they were in their 30’s. They notice thinning skin, more lines, sagging, and more brown spots. Unfortunately, women lose approximately a teaspoon of collagen every year after the age of 35. In addition, we also have muscle and bone loss. Bummer right!!??
“Stress releases Cortisol which in turn increases collagen breakdown.”
The good news is that we can put up a good fight, and hold off the hands of time. First, is your diet. Eat lots of plant protein such as hummus, nuts, and nut butters. Fish and flax seed oils are also great. Second, avoid excessive sun exposure, smoking, and stress. Stress releases Cortisol which in turn increases collagen breakdown, and increases waist circumference. Oh no!! I don’t need to add any inches here! I started Bikram Yoga which has signifigantly reduced my stress and waist line, try it! Third, keep hydrated. Bare minimum is 60 ounces per day. If you work out, double that. Water actually helps plump your skin. Go from a raisin to a grape today!
We can also help restore collagen by resurfacing with Skin Pen(no down time), laser light to remove reds and brown spots. Botox and fillers will relax lines, lift, and fill to replace lost collagen. Lastly, don’t forget, hormones play a huge role in how our skin looks. Have a hormonal consultation to determine your levels. Let’s replace and correct low levels and you will immediately see improved skin and feel energized!